Please check if the type of business you are conducting and its nature allow for the possibility of returning purchased goods from our store.

Sole proprietorship

When the purchase is not directly related to the conducted professional activity.

  • When you have a beauty salon and purchase lighting for it
  • When you have an accounting office and purchase equipment

Sole proprietorship

When the purchase is directly related to the conducted professional activity.

  • When you are an architect and you are purchasing lighting or equipment for a client
  • When you're a photographer and you're buying equipment for a photoshoot

The remaining forms of economic activity

The refund is not available regardless of the nature of the activity conducted.

  • Civil partnerships
  • Capital companies: LLC (limited liability company), JSC (joint-stock company)
  • Partnerships: general partnership (GP), limited partnership (LP), limited joint-stock partnership (LJSP), etc.
  • Governmental and non-governmental organizations

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